I guess I ran out of titles to put for my blog posts already?!?!? Haha. So anyways, one of the weekend last week, I went out to meet Garey and ML for supper. Sort of??? Cuz Garey just finished his field camp last week and... I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm actually keen to know more about it and his experience during field camp. Hahah. Cuz if you guys don't know, I'm gonna be having my outfield soon, well, next week to be exact. So I'm having mixed feelings about it. Apart of me is excited about it and another is just dreading it. Its like going out in the jungle/forest and not bathing for 6 days?!?!?!?! I don't know how am I gonna survive man!!!

Before meeting up with Garey, I went to town to run some errand. Got something for my dad and bought a new handphone cover for my 5s. Aforementioned, after a long consideration, I finally decided to put a tempered glass protector on my phone. Its like giving my 5s a MAKEOVERRRRR!!!

Had a really sinful meal that day. When I met up with Garey we had KFC for dinner, and after that MingLong came to meet us after his wedding thing ended. Most of the shops were closed and we had no choice but to head to McDonald's cuz we had no other alternatives. #FATDIEME!!!
Not forget to mention that I bought the EXTRA LARGE coke?!?!?!?!

Now for my outfit of the day, I wore a sweater/pullover from Uniqlo and my drawstrings shorts from Forever21. Kicks are from Nike DUHHH!!!

And here's a random flatlay which I took. Nowadays I'm more and more into simple and minimalistic stuff. Things that are in black, white, gold and silver. Gone were the days where I liked prints and bold colors. Sighhhh! Signs of growing old. :(((