It is the time of the year where all polytechnic students look forward to. Graduation.
After 3 years of hard work, I have finally attained a diploma certificate. It still feels pretty surreal to me though. I still clearly remembered the day where I went down to Temasek Polytechnic to collect my enrollment package. I didn't know what to do as there are so many forms to fill, and I almost wanted to just give up! Hahaha! Sounds pretty loserish I know.
Back in my secondary school, I never thought I would be able to enter a polytechnic cuz well.... I was from Normal Technical stream, and my studies had always been very bad. But that aside, I'm really thankful that I have a bunch of great friends that went through this shit with me. Thus, it made life in school so much more fun and enjoyable.

Following will be full of pictures filled with faces of my friends and mine.
Viewer discretion is advised. LOL I KID!

Didn't manage to take photos with everyone. Some did not even attend the graduation!!! But anyways. There are so many people I wanna thank. People like my year 1 clique. Chun Chuan, Mooi Suen, Mellysa, YongQin, Celeste and Jiayu. Without them, year 1 would be such a chore. Thus, I wouldn't be able to adjust to poly life so easily if its not for them. Thank you for not looking down on me despite from where I came from. Thank you guys so much for helping me in my school work whenever I'm in need of help. ♥♥♥
Thank you, everyone who have made a difference in my life. Be it little or a lot. Good or bad. Last but not least, I would like to thank my Mum and Sis who specially took a day off just to come down for my graduation ceremony. I really appreciate it. :)

Now is on to the next phase of life, and I wish everyone the best in their future endeavors.
Do keep in contact yea. ^.^

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