
27 November 2013

Taiwan Travelogue, Taipei Day 8

[27th September 2013]

I know, this post is super back dated. But nevertheless, here's Day 8 of my Taiwan Travelogue.
Just incase you guys have missed my Taiwan Travelogues posts, here you go:

Day 1:
Day 2:
Day 3:
Day 4:
Day 5:
Day 6:
Day 7:

Woke up kinda late in the morning cuz we intend to have breakfast/lunch over at the airport, since the time for us to check in is around 1pm-2pm.

Selfie in the morning! Hahahaha! I can't resist camwhoring! LOLOLOL!!!

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Took pictures of the room one last time before leaving for good! AHHHH! I'm so gonna miss this place! T.T
Goodbye dear wallpaper, slippers, bathroom, bed, pillows, air conditioner, teevo. I'll be missing you guys.

With love, dOnn.

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Then off we go to the girls room to see if they're done packing,.....

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So much emotions when we were leaving the hostel, the bitter and sweetness of entering and leaving every single day. Now we're leaving for good. :((((

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Took their cab (小黄) and its on standard fare. 900 NTD and estimated its around $40 SGD??? We divided by 4 so its $10 per person? Quite worth it I guess???

What's more, the Taxi uncle was nice enough to drive us the longer route so that we can sight see before we leave Taiwan. ^.^

He even told us stories about some of the places in Taiwan, one that I'll never forget will be the 夜总会 (Nightclub). Hahahaha!

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We're there early, so we decided to head for breakfast at Burger King.

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Bought the Taiwan Yakult from the convenient store at the airport.
So regretted that I only bought 1, should have bought more back home. Now I'm missing it already. :(((

It tastes slightly different from the ones we have in Singapore.

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Randomly fiddled with the PC at the airport. Hahaha! Enterted my blog URL in, and the amazing thing is that its fully touch screen. I had abit of difficulty using it though. Hahah!

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Featuring my Instax! Teehee!

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After that, we head off to the counter to check in our luggage. We were all quite worried that we might exceed the limit of our luggage weight, but in the end, we never exceed. :D

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Time to board the plane! Leaving Taiwan after 7 nights of stay. Definitely gonna miss this place, and 5 hours back to homeland. ^.^

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A selfie before taking off! :D

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It was a long 5 hour plane ride, thank god my friend packed snacks in her bagpack! If not we'll be starving. T.T

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Not forgetting the ever awesome Lycee eyedrops! Hahahaa!

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And soon, its dusk, and that means we're about to reach Singapore! Wootwoots!♥

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Landed at SG around 9pm++, waited for our luggage to be out and then took a cab home.

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This is the first time that I've gone overseas with a bunch of good friends. I would love to do this more often next time.

I think company is really important, like if you're going overseas with people that you don't like, you won't even enjoy in the first place.

I would love to go Bangkok and Korea next, for Asian countries that is. Hahaha!

Now I've come to the end of my Taiwan Travelogue, this is a rather short post. Hahaha! I hope you guys have enjoyed reading my Taiwan blogposts. ^.^

Now that I'm done writing my Taiwan Travelogue, I'm feeling a tinge of sadness, not sure why, but yea. Oh wells, I'm looking forward to my next overseas travel, I wonder where would I go next? Hahaha!

OHYAH! Before I end, I would like to thank my fellow friend who planned this trip all on his own, without him, I don't think this trip would be a successful one. Kudos to him! :D

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